
To verify the synodic (revolution) periods of The Moon and The Planets, here is a scan from the book Movement and Rhythms of The Stars, by Joachim Schultz, published by Floris Books, Anthroposophical Press, 1986, page 222, Table 4.5

From these SYNODIC periods can be calculated the SIDEREAL (orbital) periods of The planets.

Mercury orbital period = 1 ÷ [(1 ÷ 115.8774) + (1 ÷ 365.25636)] = 87.9692 Earth days.

Venus orbital period = 1 ÷ [(1 ÷ 365.25636) + (1 ÷ 583.9205)] = 224.70067 Earth days.

Mars orbital period = 1 ÷ [(1 ÷ 365.25636) MINUS (1 ÷ 779.9382)] = 686.9782 Earth days.

To verify Earth’s orbital period, click here


To verify the approximate values for the orbital periods of Mercury, Venus, and Mars, click here
